WayLoader was initially made to better manage Construction projects
Developed by taking influence from lean principles and last planner approach and realising the absolute necessity for a user-friendly mobile application that site field teams are able to utilise. WayLoader drastically improves the management of construction projects.
- Visualise your team in the field
- Use takt to manage work fronts
- Track constraints and blockers
- Instant group chats with your team on site
- Automated progress updates to your schedule from site

The Problem & the Solution
In a world where location is important, it is a necessity to have a central hub to manage your entire portfolio. Use our geospatial 360 view, to allow you to focus on a particular floor plan to monitor your progress and risks. Unlock real time data and information flow by putting this instant communication tool into the hands of your contractors, supply chain and their site staff. With this app you can follow your progress, greatly improving efficiency within your business. With WayLoader, you are offering a collaborative space, an environment where your supply chain can take accountability and manage their packages.
Your project scheduler uses either P6 or Asta - specialised software that only few understand and follow. Let’s be real, once this schedule gets issued to site, you would be lying if you said it gets used and tracked accurately. Most site teams put this to the side and make their own plans. There is no clear visibility of what is going on between the different disciplines and no standard means of communication.